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Turkey President Declares Russia Should Return Crimea To Ukraine Under International Law

Turkey President Declares Russia Should Return Crimea To Ukraine Under International Law

In huge, game changing news in the world today Turkey in the East have come out firmly against Russia and in support of Ukraine.

The once major ally of Vladimir Putin’s Russia, Turkey, is no more.

Their President a short time ago declared that they support Ukraine’s independence fully and that Russia should return Crimea to Ukraine as part of international law.

That is game changing news in the East and Middle East.

If Turkey, one of the biggest tank suppliers and owners, as well as other military weapons, were to begin supplying Ukraine with tanks and other military supplies, to further back up their position today in helping Ukraine achieve full sovereignty again, which by right Turkey must now do after today, that will change everything.

The United States can get Turkey to begin shipping weapons to Ukraine soon enough as a NATO ally too, easily, after today.

Many underestimate Turkey who are expanding their military rapidly at the moment. They are making a lot of moves militarily quietly in 2024 so far.

Some think the fact Turkey has been in some recession in recent years with their Lira doing so badly might be a springboard for them to grow as a nation — particularly if there was more wars where they are a big player militarily in.

Turkey have around 2,200 or so high-end tanks and much more cutting edge military technology, if they even sent 22 of those tanks to Ukraine, which they could easily afford and spare, while promoting even stronger trade between the two countries and between NATO, it would help Ukraine get back Crimea.

Turkey is thought to have the 8th strongest military globally (many of the Indian, Pakistan and Egypt tanks even though more in number than Turkey are not modern like Russia’s out of date equipment compared to Turkey) so help from Turkey would not only back up their claims they support Ukraine’s sovereignty but would change the course of the war and history and help get Crimea back in Ukraine.

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